Introducing...Part 2
Part 2 of our introducing series welcomes H&B Hobbies! Come and spend a few minutes getting to know our MA, USA based stockist!
Bob over at H&B Hobbies is our Colourcoats stockists in Massas...Massachuit...Massachusits...USA! Yeah that place us Brits can't spell! We'd like to take a few minutes of your time to get to know H&B Hobbies and our friend Bob.
Bob is the owner and operator of H&B Hobbies. His day job is in the precision sheet metal industry and he operates H&B Hobbies part time with his wife Denise as an e-commerce business much the same as we do.
He created the company to fill the void left when the White Ensign Models Colourcoats line became unavailable in the United States in late 2014 before Sovereign Hobbies took over.
Shortly after we took over the Colourcoats line, Bob worked in partnership with us to bring the Colourcoats brand into the US again.
When Bob isn't at his day job or working on H&B Hobbies he enjoys scale plastic modeling, the Boston Red Sox and he is an avid aviation enthusiast. When time permits he enjoys traveling the US attending major airshow events with his long suffering, but understanding wife Denise.
H&B is slowly expanding their product line to include other hard to find hobby supplies, most recently sintered metal exhaust pipes by REXx from the Ukraine. His future plans include relocating to a larger commercial space sometime in early 2017.
We have very much enjoyed being part of H&B Hobbies journey into the modelling business world and we'd like to wish Bob & Denise all the best in their new business. We hope our USA based customers will support him along the way and don't forget to let him know what you're looking to buy!